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Employment Gaurantee

Trusting on any famous school for better future career, If a student is studying in any school from Nursery to Class 12th mean s/he is spending atleast 15 year of Time and Money in studying alongwith putting Effort them question should be asked from school that what s/he got from that school in 15 year.
As far as our school is concerned, we are providing one of the best quality of education within our financial limitation that if any student study up to 12th class them s/he will definitely capable to get good job after 12th class or Graduation. That's why we are giving employment guarantee to each and every student whether s/he is brilliant or weak in study because 15 year is enough time to shape future career. Most of school focus on scoring marks in Board examination but our school not only focus on marks but also future career. Hence this is one of the first school in india which are providing career security to each and every students of our school.